Transform Your Swimming Pool with Aquos Expert Pool Restoration Services

Transform your backyard oasis with Aquos’ expert pool restoration services. Augment your property value by modernizing your pool, ensuring compliance with local regulations. Our skilled team specializes in swimming pool remodeling, resurfacing, and equipment upgrades. Create an inviting outdoor space with enhanced features and water installations. Rely on Aquos for a top-tier upgrade that transforms your pool into a stunning centerpiece. Uncover the perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics, making your pool the envy of the neighborhood.

Transforming Pools for Every Space

Residential Pool Renovation

Aquos excels in breathing new life into outdated residential pools, turning them into modern and stylish retreats. Our expertise extends beyond the surface, encompassing a wide range of services. From re-plastering and tile replacement to coping replacement and leak detection, we meticulously address every detail. Whether you seek a serene oasis or a vibrant focal point, Aquos tailors our pool restoration services to your residential space, ensuring a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics.

Commercial Pool Renovations

Enhance the appeal of your commercial space with Aquos’ unparalleled expertise in pool restoration services. Our team is adept at transforming commercial pools into inviting and captivating environments. Beyond aesthetic upgrades, we specialize in automation, lighting, and water feature installations. Aquos is your partner in enhancing the overall experience, ensuring your commercial pool becomes a standout feature that attracts visitors and complements your business ambiance. Trust us for comprehensive solutions, including plumbing repairs, spa additions, and more, as we redefine the potential of your commercial pool space.

Comprehensive Renovation Services

Water Feature & Lighting Additions

Enhance your pool experience with Aquos’ expertise in water feature and lighting installations. From tranquil waterfalls to vibrant LED lighting, we turn your pool into a captivating oasis. Our tailored solutions add a touch of sophistication and create a visually stunning atmosphere, ensuring every swim becomes a unique and enjoyable experience.

Skimming and Debris Removal

Effective skimming and debris removal are essential for maintaining crystal-clear waters. Our skilled technicians employ advanced techniques to rid your pool of leaves, debris, and contaminants. By keeping the surface clean, we not only enhance the visual appeal of your pool but also prevent clogs and damage to filtration systems, promoting optimal water circulation.

Automation, Replastering, Coping & Tile Replacement

Aquos goes beyond the surface, offering automation solutions for effortless pool management. From smart controls to efficient heating, we improve your pool’s functionality. Additionally, our skilled team handles replastering, coping replacement, and tile replacement with precision, ensuring your pool’s aesthetic appeal matches its enhanced performance.


Spa Additions

Indulge in luxury by integrating a spa into your pool area. Aquos specializes in seamless spa additions, creating a relaxing space for unwinding. Whether you prefer therapeutic jets or a serene hot tub ambiance, our team ensures your spa complements your pool, providing a perfect balance of comfort and style.

Plumbing Repairs, Leak Detection & Repair

Count on Aquos for meticulous plumbing repairs, leak detection, and swift resolutions. Our experienced technicians address issues promptly, preventing potential damage. From pinpointing leaks to executing efficient repairs, we ensure your pool’s plumbing system operates seamlessly. Trust us for reliable solutions, ensuring your pool stays in optimal condition year-round.

Energy-Efficient Upgrades

Unlock Cost Savings

Aquos goes beyond aesthetics, offering energy-efficient upgrades that not only enhance your pool’s performance but also save you money. Our tailored solutions optimize your pool’s energy consumption, reducing operational costs and environmental impact. Embrace a greener, more cost-effective pool experience without compromising on the luxurious features you love.

Sustainable Swimming

Make a splash for sustainability with Aquos’ commitment to eco-friendly swimming pool remodeling. We integrate state-of-the-art equipment upgrades that prioritize energy efficiency, aligning your pool with modern environmental standards. Enjoy guilt-free pool moments, knowing your investment contributes to a more sustainable and energy-conscious lifestyle.

Extended Lifespan

Regular maintenance is the key to a long-lasting pool. Aquos ensures your investment stands the test of time by offering meticulous maintenance services. Our experts conduct thorough inspections, addressing issues before they escalate. From surface touch-ups to equipment checks, we keep your pool in pristine condition, ensuring you enjoy years of worry-free relaxation.

Effortless Enjoyment

Investing in pool restoration services means investing in your peace of mind. Aquos’ focus on energy-efficient upgrades and regular maintenance translates to a hassle-free pool experience. Say goodbye to unexpected breakdowns and high utility bills. Dive into a pool that seamlessly combines performance, sustainability, and the sheer joy of effortless enjoyment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are the key signs that my pool needs renovation?

Common signs include worn-out surfaces, outdated designs, and inefficient equipment. If you notice cracks, fading, or increased utility costs, it’s time to consider pool renovation.

  1. How long does a typical pool renovation take?

The timeline varies based on the scope of the project. Minor upgrades may take a few weeks, while extensive renovations, including water feature installations or structural changes, could extend the timeline.

  1. What factors influence the cost of pool renovation?

Cost depends on the scope of work, materials used, and additional features. Water features, lighting, and automation upgrades can contribute to costs, as well as the need for plumbing repairs or surface re-plastering.

  1. Can I combine multiple renovation services in one project?

Many clients choose to bundle services like coping replacement, tile replacement, and lighting additions to achieve a comprehensive pool transformation. Aquos offers tailored packages to suit your specific needs.

  1. How do I choose the right swimming pool renovation specialist?

Look for a company with a proven track record, expertise in the specific services you need, and positive customer reviews. Aquos stands out for its commitment to quality, comprehensive services, and a team of skilled professionals.

  1. Are there regulations I should be aware of during pool renovation?

Yes, local regulations may dictate aspects of your renovation, such as safety features and energy efficiency standards. Aquos ensures compliance with all relevant regulations, providing peace of mind throughout the renovation process.

  1. How can I maintain my renovated pool for longevity?

Regular maintenance is key. Aquos offers post-renovation maintenance services to keep your pool in optimal condition. Proper care ensures that your renovated pool remains a stunning and functional feature of your property.

  1. Is it possible to add energy-efficient features during pool renovation?

Aquos specializes in energy-efficient upgrades, including advanced filtration systems, pumps, and automation. These additions not only enhance your pool’s performance but also contribute to long-term cost savings and environmental sustainability.

  1. Can I finance my swimming pool renovation project?

Aquos understands that renovations can be a significant investment. While we don’t offer direct financing, we can provide guidance on financing options available in your area. Many clients explore home improvement loans or financing through specialized lenders for their renovation projects.

  1. How can I ensure the safety of my pool during and after renovation?

Safety is a priority at Aquos. During renovation, we implement measures to secure the construction area. Post-renovation, adherence to safety regulations and proper maintenance ensures a secure and enjoyable pool environment for you and your family.

  1. What is the warranty on Aquos’ pool renovation services?

Aquos stands behind the quality of its work. Specific warranty details may vary based on the services rendered. Our team provides clear information about warranties during the consultation process, ensuring transparency and peace of mind for our clients.

Feel free to contact Aquos for any additional questions or to schedule a consultation regarding your swimming pool renovation needs in the USA. Our team is dedicated to delivering excellence and satisfaction in every aspect of your project.